Wednesday, July 25, 2007

i'm not sure if i miss being a player or am just sick of being played.

mengtar = ridiculous vulnerable.

joe said:

do you have any money to start up a bar? oh do we get to rob banks

mengtar said:

that's your job

joe said:

so what is your job?

mengtar said:

my job is to open it

joe said:

what would you say, ya do here, exactly

mengtar said:

haha. you know, cut the ribbon and drink. OPEN the bar. i get teh keys.

joe said:

you would be the first person I throw out of my bar

mengtar said:

there will be rules. no popped collars. no throwing out the person who opens the bar. no diving...

joe said:

wait just one fucking second! no one tells me when I can and cannot pop my collar I'm so getting the shaft in this deal. I have to move. I have to front the money, run the whole place.... while you smoke and drink yourself to death after cutting a ribbon, a ribbon that I will probably have to hang. you're a terrible buisness partner

mengtar said:

i am a good worker. and i know a good deal of things

joe said:


mengtar said:

hmm... do i go spend money and get a meatball sub or save my money for a mattress and get skinny?

joe said:

hmmmmm. fat and happy or skinny and well rested


  1. i vote for the meatball sandwich! (as long as it's fake meatballs, with lots of marinara)!
