so scratch my last statement. rant revoked. apparently i should just mature up a bit and not be socially awkward and actually approach people or something... how conceptual!
::le sigh::
also, in case you forgot how awesome i am... there is this.
in other news... i have officially gotten my fifth ear infection since moving to texas. but apparently lucky number five also comes with accute bronchitis! how generous!
last night i was exhausted and couldn't sleep for balls. even after watching two movies. ((one of which makes me fall asleep EVERY TIME!!)) but my head was pounding all crazy in every direction and then i was cold then hot then freezing then i turned crazy and at 6am i decided i needed to go home because i was tripping and told homeboy and he went to get some meds out of the bathroom and was gone for maybe 25 seconds and i layed down and passed out. then i drank water and decided that i'm stupid and to just go to bed. it was quite the ordeal.
tomorrow i have an interview with a holiday inn cat to see about that bartending gig for reals. keep it in the pocket.
why does she have to defend her feelings inside? why pretend she's not had a life of near misses? now all that she wants is three little wishes. she wants to see with your eyes. she wants to smile with your smile. she wants a nice surprise every once in a while. ((little fifteen))
10001010100010101002...... oh shit
mikr, that was a very special moment you just had all by yourself. ((crazy))