Thursday, December 27, 2007

don't take my silence as me not caring. and if i don't hug you, it's not that i don't want to. i just want to stop this screaming inside your head.


  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Hi, my name is anonymous (which makes me a total looser by the way) and my life sux so much I have try to fill the void in my life by posting on a chicks blog. There is only so much time I can fill by playing RPGs on my computer and looking at internet porn before the depression of being alone my life starts to depress me again. I've thought about cutting my wrists but just the thought of blood brings me to tears... and my mommy won't answer my phones calls anymore. She says she is tired of lieing to me, telling me that I'm good enough, smart enough, ect. and that she wishes she had drank more during her pregnancy. After I stop crying, I find myself shoveling food into my mouth until it's hard to breathe. That usualy hides the pain for a bit but as soon as I see my Moby Dick-esk ass in a mirror or I notice small children fleeing the area for fear of being eaten, the cycle begins again. Than, I find myself here again posting more hatefull messages which in reality are just me deflecting my own self-loathing. I sure hope no one catches on to my secret!
