Sunday, June 29, 2008

welcome, visitor 5,001. i appreciate your business.

so this new kid at the og has a metal band looking for a singer... and homeboy happens to be a singer looking for a metal band...

last night was said metal band's drummer's birthday party, so kid from work thought it would be a great opportunity to meet homeboy and kind of get a feel for his level of interest and whatnot. whatever, i just wanted to drink.

homeboy couldn't make it. i still wanted to drink.

luckily, i left work in a great mood and actually felt alright about venturing to a party where i only knew one person and knowing that i would have to talk to strangers.

i showed up at the party. kid from work was wearing a polo shirt. fuck. i hate polo shirts. mostly, i hate the type of people that wear polo shirts. his collar was not popped, so i didn't want to be too judgemental. i let it slide. it was for the best.

i met some really interesting people and they dug my shit, which means they understood that i was waay cooler than everyone else there.

made some friends, whatever.

no. not whatever. i was happy about it.

several hours later, homeboy showed up... in a polo shirt. ((what the fuck, was he trying to blow my cover?)) but he also does not pop his collar, so i let it slide again. but it turns out he has known all these kids that i've been chatting up all night since grade two.

i just can't have my own thing when this kid is around!! he has to win everyone over with his cuteness and personality and polo shirts. whatever.

after kid from work's party, we went to yetanotherjx's after party where he continued to talk shit about my polo-wearing-homeboy in a wickedly upsetting attempt to get me in bed. although the late-night text of "nice boobs. i want them" almost won me over...

also, i kicked ass in drunken bones. i do believe i'm undefeated... but i drink a lot.

i did not wake up sober.


  1. Anonymous1:06 AM

    i made a point to pick out a metal shirt to wear after work but i completely forgot to take it out of the house and the un-popped polo was all that i had in my car :-(

    also, your cover was blown along time ago

  2. haha, you looked fine.
