what a day what a day.
last night i talked to strangers. for my last night in denton, homeboy and i went to texas 8ball and ran into some homies that I dared not challenge to a game of suck. instead we got free balls and a pitcher and i did not run the table.
however, upon my arrival it went something like this…
mengtar said:
pitcher of shiner, please. ((i’m so polite))
randomdudex said:
actually, babe, i'm drinking whiskey and coke.
mengtar said:
well that’s nice.
randomdudex said:
oh… is it because i called you babe?
mengtar said:
yeah, us yankees aren’t into that.
randomdudex said:
yeah, they furthest north I’ve ever been is chicago.
mengtar said:
i’m actually going to chicago tomorrow!
random dude said:
really? bla bla bla bla dance music…bla bla… go here… and here… whatever I’m not listening.
homeboy showed up and we walked away. he said something later and i pretended not to hear.
we left for the airport hella early for my 9.45a flight so homeboy could still make it to his 8a class. i was at the airport at like 7.15ish. turns out my itinerary was changed to a direct flight at 10.55. whatev. as we boarded, they changed our departure to 11.45.
::le sigh::
it took almost two hours to locate my luggage because we were told to go five different baggage claims. this part of the story is much more interesting with arm motions and impressions.
it was okay, though, because momx’s flight was delayed and cancelled four times and we left the airport around 8p. 13 hours in planes and airports. excellente.
i received the grande tour of downtown downer’s grove. featuring midwestern and a hospital and a school where px did not teach drumline. whatever.
we inhaled a million tacos while discussing lost.
everyone went to bed while sx and i made snow men and snow angels and snow forts that may or may not be blocking a certain lx’s vehicle…
before i left for chicago, i organized my closet and it looks like this. i'm okay with it.
i’m over it. my pants are cold and wet and snowy and it is time for bed.
also, the internet doesn’t work so we will try again tomorrow.
the snow forts that may or may not be blocking Lx's vehicle.... awesomeness