join us for the slamming of thirty beers on the square! ((after the og)) t'will be a grand time.
in other news, homeboy's black car ((the one that makes me imagine him burning alive after rolling and tumbling and flipping nine times through fruit markets and school zones loaded with small children because he drives like the madman he pretends not to be)) is running again!... sort of. it just needs a jump or five.
also, lake dallas barbecue is soo much better than denton barbecue. except for the yams. apparently you have to back to the north to eat a good fucking yam. it's whatever. but we went to this place called leona's or laina's or loaner's or something for breakfast and i giggled at weird situations and ate an incredible barbecued pork sandwich and super-candied yams that were not quite super.
also, i found a new shirt in my trunk. if i don't decide to try on a thousand different event-outfits for pumpkin head's homecoming, i will wear it. it will be okay i think. but i can't wear it with the butt-crack pants i wore yesterday and i don't think i want to wear the pants with the hole in the knee because it is chilly again and drafty pants make me frustrated i wonder if i can find my darkwash jeans but they might match my shirt TOO well.
last night i thought i was going to stay home and watch the office in my couch fort but that didn't happen. cx and i watched hours upon hours of project runway and sell this house and then started talking about repainting our kitchen to FINALLY get rid of our heinous wallpaper and curtains. i think it was when we were discussing making matching outfits out of our floral curtains that i decided it was time to leave the house.
i went to jupiter house for seven minutes. just enough time to cozy into a chair and read the same paragraph eight times trying to block out the NOISE of others, order a coffee and then decide to go to homeboy's place to read in peace. i call other peoples' conversation NOISE because i think it was completely unnecessary. some days i feel completely narcisistic and everyones' existence makes me angry... unless you're making me coffee or doing me favors or whispering so i can barely hear you because then you're in the "white noise" category and i don't have to use my shift key when i blog about your presence.
i bought some crickets from petco and he gave me the pre-bagged ones that were hanging from the hooks in the reptile area. whenever this happens i feel pretty gyped. i imagine the crickets they get from the back are of a higher grade, or even a higher class. more civilized crickets. i paid $3.09 for blue collar crickets. i wonder if snowflake can tell.
the funny thing about the beast is that it is the only car that i've driven that i haven't gotten into a serious collision in