the western get-up is in honor of the 30th anniversary of The Duke's death.
ex and lx even joined me in the mayhem. they're both moving back to mexico this summer. ((tears!))
ari and i just got back from our field trip to wiggly field where he beat up two rottweilers and a boxer. he enjoys sitting on their faces.
so now i sit waiting for my roommates to leave for their wedding that i have been kind enough to unvite myself to after they basically stopped talking to me... because i have a dog and didn't play mini-golf? i don't get it either.
but in awesome news: i scaled a bookstore last night to drink whiskey and applejuice!
we trekked across denton toting travel mugs and a mason jar of canada's finest. we were stopped on the square by two attendees of a local high school reunion.
high school reunion attendees said:
since when did it become cool to walk around the square at night when you're still in high school?
mengtar said:
i guess there are a lot of young people out
m2x said:
you mean us? i have a degree. and she's 24...
high school reunion attendees said:
really ?!?? shouldn't you be out at the bars?
so naive.
this is my denton.
thanks yo... those pics of the square rock.