le sigh...
but the followup wasn't lacking.
spoonfed tribe was an intense percussive + saxaphone mix that makes me neeeed 8 more drinks than i should. awesome.
they entered the bar from the front door and had a playful 10-minute jam in the middle of the floor. this is how you get people to dance at your show whilst sober. also, i danced well. this i know because i was drunk. follow my logic.
on the far left is bx. homeboy gave us both a ride to crash at my place. when morning came, he had disappeared. my house is in a confusing neighborhood, probably 6 miles from his car. i hope my roommate didn't try to rape him... uncomfortable.
also, this is days after i was illegally evicted with a 3-day notice to vacate the premises... that's what you get for not attending weddings that you never RSVP'd for in the first place... luckily, i had plenty of help to get everything in the new house in one trip... plus free beer. love!
this is also the day before my dog was taken/ran away. Ari spent the night and most of the next day in doggy jail until i could make enough money for his bail. don't do that again, Ari. you're kind of a jerk.
also, two days ago i was outside at 6.30am to see my friend out... he leaves and i look down, noticing puddles of blood on my front doorstep... leading into the house... that was locked...
in a half-drunk/half-tired stupor, i shrugged and continued upstairs to go to sleep... after sending a safety text to the brand-new roommates...
"hey, there's blood in the house. text me back if you're alive. gnight"
exactly how concerned should one be if there's blood in your house? i mean, if i freak out, my roommates will be judging me as the pussy that can't handle a nosebleed or something. but if i don't react, i'm a murder suspect.
lx texted me around 11.30 the next afternoon asking me what happened... if i knew what happened, i wouldn't be texting you to see if you're alive. no response from dx... after my first shift at work, i went home to check on him. truck is still in the driveway.
i took a deep breathe, knowing that it was definitely possible that i was about to enter a room with the bloodied dead body of my roommate.
i knock. no response.
dx? ahem... DX!?? knock...
no response...
i grab Ari, a small pearing knife ((i opted out of the pizza cutter. if his murderer was still inside, i didn't want him to think i was nuts... you know, in case he reads my blog)), and a cloth for opening the door. this is now a crime scene.
i knock once more...
dx pulls the door open and said:
hey, what's up?
mengtar tears up a little... said:
what the fuck! you're alive.
my roommates now think i'm crazy regardless of my non-reaction and later overreaction... and neither of them really seem to care why there is blood in our house... neither does it seem they are willing to clean it up... i swept and cleaned the kitchen. your move.
welcome back to the BS Art Fusion Show at rubber gloves! bx and vx were in attendance. bx was dj-ing and vx was just drinking and bought me a shirt for 8 bones because i'm broke and he's awesome!
vx, what are you doing?
are you drawing tittie milk pouring into a beer can?
soo busted!!!