Thursday, May 01, 2008

i never looked at that pic very close, i dig it... also does it still define narcissism for you?
--this punk

dear homeboy,
the post was supposed to be sarcastic-dry, not nearly as abrasive as everyone, including you, seemed to take it. the photo only defines narcissism because i like it so much... and because it's the desktop for my laptop... whatever.
love, mengtar

You hold coffee cups with your tits, how can that not be attractive.

dear anonymous,
for the record, it was a dr. pepper for tx.
love, mengtar


this is bx again

you stood me up on the email... what gives? we poopin or what? i have to poop now, and i wish you could watch me.

anywho, with that picture, you have effectively doubled the number of your boobs that i have seen

holla atcha boi some time ok?

your pooping buddy

superdearest bx,
congrats on the boobie doublage. i'm sorry i didn't email you. i actually JUST pooped and for the first time... almost ever... it was a rough one to get out. and like a triple wiper. ew.
love and poop, mengtar

whew, now that that's out of the way... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEST FRIEND!!!

NACHO SIAM HOUSE!!! ((not funny))

so i met up with homeboy for lunch at siam house. i was greeted by this awesome dude that looked like stephen king minus twenty years ((still older)). he rode the line of being weirdo-central and cooler than balls. he greeted me and cleaned off a booth. post-booth-cleaning he asked "how's this booth?". i thanked him and sat down. then he informed me that it was the perfect booth for a perfect lady. ((hun, i already sat down, you don't have to keep persuading me. i'm already convinced. the motion was appreciated though)) it was pretty fucking good and well priced for my wallet.

after waking up before 9a, i couldn't get back to sleep, so i decided to paint my dollar ivy pot from target. i put on a thousand layers of yellow paint. even though it was 10a, it still didn't feel right painting without a bit to drink. whatever.

damn, looking at pictures, now i KNOW i need a haircut... but i can't really go back to her... how awkward would THAT be?!?

i was feeling a little period crazy and unpredictable this morning so i cancelled on hosting best friend's pirate-ninja birthday party tonight. i didn't want to get too drunk and cause any over-the-phone or in-person confrontations. i felt slightly confrontational this morning.

but once i entered the kitchen, i was greeted by more cuteness in my window.

luckily, best friend quickly replanned a barbecue at mx's place. i was in full attendance after learning there would also be veiwing of LOST! ((fuck yess))


when i called for directions, mx sliced her hand open while on the phone with me. ((FUCK)) and best friend had to drive her to the emergency room. instead, i drove to jupiter to read for a couple hours to read while mx the trooper got stitched up.

mx has critters.

i finally finished slaughterhouse five. triple hearts for full zelda life... ((loved it)) i started reading player piano ((MORE vonnegutt)) but couldn't focus over all the worker-strikes going on across the street at the courthouse. whatever.

hmmm... other things i did today... per homeboy's recommendation, i went to hobby lobby to check out some picture frames. i got lost... for about ten minutes... i couldn't find the checkout. most. embarrassing. thing.... ever. i swear i had been following the perimeter ((although, i must admit, i got distracted by a few clearance signs along the way...)) but couldn't seem to find it. whatever.


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    ur butiful and popular and god its HOT that u have bob dillin poster.

  2. wow, way to not be able to spell anything including bob dylan.

    not impressed.

  3. I'm impressed that you have meatballs in a dog dish in your bathroom

  4. oh!!! i have your meatball painting and your cute-clothes duffel bag ready to be shipped! i will get that done tomorrow! love you tons!
