Tuesday, March 04, 2008

things you need to know but didn't want to know about mengtar's period:

it started this morning around ten o'clock with a good medium flow.

no matter how many tasks are on my list of things to do and how important they are, mengtar will only manage to complete a maximum of three on the first day of her period.
today i paid my bills and found my camera cord. that will probably it for the day.

mengtar will yell at a minumum of two people a day throughout the first three days of her period.
so far, i have yelled at kx for not calling the gas company within the first minute and a half of him being home from class.

mengtar will start crying while yelling at at least one person throughout the first two days of her period.
i think i'm saving this one for homeboy.

mengtar will get frustrated while styling her hair and cry or put on a hat at least once during he period.
i did my hair before getting my period this morning. in the clear.

mengtar will feel like she has to poop at least 5 times on the first day of her period.
i have pooped twice today.

mengtar will want to cut her hair, but knows she is too impatient while on her period.
the scissors are in my pocket and my bangs are looking a bit too long...

mengtar feels ten degrees colder than usual when she is on her period.
crank you thermostats before inviting me over, kids.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:34 PM

    OOO! yelling AND crying, you know just the right things to do to make me feel special.
