Sunday, March 30, 2008

by popular ((cx)) demand.

tatertot hotdish:

preheat oven to 350 degrees.

brown 1lb. hamburger.
add whatever seasonings are in the cupboard except cinnamon.
add vegetables ((fresh, frozen, canned, your mom, whatevs))
add 1 can cream soup ((cream of mushroom, cream of celery, cream of chicken, cream of your mom, cream of whatevs))
add 3-4 mississippis of milk ((count one mississippi two mississippi three missippi stop)) also, hippopatomus doesn't work because i stutter sometimes and that's two much milk.
top with tater tots.

bake covered for 45 minutesish and uncovered for 15 minutesish.

optional CHEESE ((because i love cheese)) you can add velveetaish cheese to the hamburgervegetablecreamofwhatevssoup mixture or put mozzerellaish cheese between the hamburgervegetablecreamofwhatevssoup mixture and the tater tots.

not optional: tater tots are to be TOSSED onto the hamburgervegetablecreamofwhatevssoup mixture with optional velveetish cheese or layer of mozzerellaish cheese. they are not to be aligned perfectly so. ((your welcome, sx. in your face, lx.))

this whole post was written with me wearing pants only laying on my bed with my laptop on the floor. my head is pounding and my arms are half asleep and spotted.

how awkward.


  1. oh thank you, thank you! I'm makin' it for an office potluck tomorrow--it's gonna blow the kids away!

  2. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Tatertot hotdish is the shit!! I love when we have it at the daycare for lunch. Everyone loves it.

    Totally Northern. Way to sprend the Northern love down South. Love you.


  3. Anonymous9:57 PM

    and by sprend (wtf?) I mean SPREAD. haha
