Saturday, February 16, 2008

message i received this morning:

My apologies to everyone.
I have finally made the decision to enter treatment/rehab. Ill be leaving XXXX enroute to XXXX and will be in XXXX.
I want everyone to know how Ive hitten rockbottom. I woke up today with an empty 1.75 of vodka and multiple painkillers, xanax, and other pills sprawled out everywhere. How I woke up today is completely beyond me. All I have left in my life is a trail of pain and misery to myself and the ones I care about, because I have refused to get help sooner for everything I swore I didnt have a problem with. I have lost trust and confidence to basically everyone who I care about, and will never get it back. All I can do is say Im sorry. This is my last chance to make it right or there is no doubt in my mind I will die.

cx, in the last month, i've lost two friends to drug overdoses. i'm glad you're taking the right steps. with everyone else, i'm very proud of you. and let me know when you're out of rehab, i'll be overdue for a trip home. i love you!

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