Wednesday, February 06, 2008

it has been decided by me ((solely, which is never a good decision)) that tonight i am going to stay home ((again)) and build a couch fort and watch a million episodes of the office and finish my latest book chapter ((which is just shy of a disappointment)) and not spend any money so i can buy my laptop and pay my speeding ticket ((almost forgot)) and not bounce my rent check.


that is, until anyone calls or texts or something to convince me otherwise.

a special note to those that are femininely sensitive: cover your ears.

my period has been crazy. first i didn't think it would ever happen. and now it's a never-ending flow of hatred towards me and i'm using a million tampons every hour. it is the most unhappiest of times. also, i feel like i've been far crazier than perioded-mengtar usually is. and you can all thank me because i know that all of your girlfriends' cycles have aligned with mine because you kids just can't stop reading this garbage. this is the most joyous time for everyone.

and blogger won't upload any of my photos. so that's just not going to happen, sorry.

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