Wednesday, December 26, 2007

wow... commenters are so funny. and original. also, you're not invited to my birthday party.

xmas went well. i was feeling less than festive because i had started and finished a bottle of merlot while doing some holiday baking and painting the night before... THEN went to cool beans for beer and shots and to play darts with best friend. also, i apparently met another jx who texted me after i left asking if we could "hook up" that night. i didn't even remember responding. good thing. upon my bar arrival i ran into a girl from holiday inn and a couple old movie tavern people. it was good catching up with that crew.

update: the new jx just texted me asking if i had a myspace... some people just got no game.

i played fight night round 3 on 360 with some work dudes. we had a few drinks and got wicked-high. ax was over-complimenting and kx was creepy-party-dude the whole night. later i realized that it wasn't because they were so high, but because they wanted to get me into a threeway with the snake. i might have been willing. kx has a 60 lb boa that is incredibly badass. i carried him around for a while... then i lost circulation in my arm and he started breathing heavily on my neck... done and done.

and the coming out of the woodwork award goes to.... sxrx!! glad you're well. good to hear from you. for the unaware, sxrx is a fellow rice-kid and a percussionist. he stole a marimba from st. cloud state university once. but he got caught. one day the cops showed up and his dad called me and asked if i knew where he got the marimba and i got all nervous and shifty and was all "uh... i don't know". apparently when he went to court, he just had to give it back and write a letter of apology to terry vermillion. i like his name so i will use it. i imagine the letter sounding like this:

dear terry vermillion,
i'm sorry i stole your marimba.
love, sxrx.

homeboy and i saw sweeny todd last night. AMAZING!!! i don't remember smiling so much during a movie... wait... yes i do... i'm not there... damn... but it was still amazing! great performances, amazing music. AND jxeightyfiveorwhatever was there with his crazymx so i had to do some ninja vanish moves until we left the theater. there were a couple close calls. i mean, god forbid i would have to actually SOCIALIZE!!! ((gasp!!)) i'm a complete dork and loser yet soo much cooler than anyone you've ever met.

this is what i look like when i'm dressed for success.

after the movie, we finally got over to ax's new bar, the texas eight ball. we shot some pool and drank some beer with the company of the original ax. also, he covered our tab. i might have to go back to fucking him if he keeps that up...

apparently cx moved out. huh.

i don't remember getting THAT drunk last night... but i know i woke up with no panties... this isn't supposed to sound insulting or mean that i don't like sleeping with you, but i have no idea if i had sex last night.

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