Sunday, December 23, 2007

we were looking for beerpong balls and found some surprises. these are memories i will supress for years.

i just wanted to watch cadd shack.

instead, kx and i went to albertsons. we couldn't find any balls with the bells inside them. i didn't stand a fucking chance. the same fucking stick that michael was with. couch. appareltnyl this kid kcan't com e to anything. that is all i guess.

but not really. because i'm starting to get angry again. maybe it's because i'm drunk. maybe it's because i haven't been sleeping. but dude... seriously... we are overdue for a discussion of what the fuck is going on because i'm not appreciating the awkward lac of openness and story switching bullshit that we both know is bullshit becaue we both do it to eachtoher mesufe.

i don't think i've o[pened my eyes throughout this post. so good luck fuckiners.

::heart megan))

no amount of 66 swings can make not sleeping any easier.

don't wake me up unless it's fuckgin great.


  1. uhhh... i don't know.

  2. Anonymous12:16 AM like mudkips?

  3. Anonymous12:19 AM

    This guy told us about your blog and he wants us to troll it so im sure 100 people will come by and post random shit until you take your own life in hopes that the world will be a nicer place for everyone

    We are Anonymous, We Will Never Forget.

  4. Anonymous12:20 AM

    trOLLING inC

  5. Anonymous10:43 AM

    how boring does you life have to be anonymous?
