Monday, May 14, 2007

i started my new job at the olive garden today. it was less than fun. i hate starting new jobs. i constantly feel judged and insecure. although, in past jobs, whenever new people came, i would judge them too... whatever. i mean, i don't want to be myself right away because sometimes i have a bit of an overbearing personality... so i just kind of stick to myself... whatever. people there are alright, i guess. once i'm done training, i'm sure everything will be fine.

john left for tour today. it was very sad. i'm glad we're on good terms despite our countless issues. i love him.

a month ago, i hated it that i still loved him. now i'm okay with it.

i've been working on my tan. i think i'm doing pretty well. i have a late-june tour tan. that'll do.


  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    That'll do pig...that'll do

    Love ya and i'm gonna miss ya!! Come to plenty of shows and rehearsals!!!!

  2. good luck with the new job. you should come visit this summer while john's gone. you can stay with me, if you want... not that you don't have tons of people up here to stay with. but it would be more fun with me, 'cause it will be like camping... seeing as how I'll probably be living in a tent on the minnesota river by then. peace!
