Tuesday, May 29, 2007

i know that i JUST said that i wasn't drinking anymore... but...

i went over to drink at patrick's last night. we drank wine. i had three glasses and then threw up four times.

a few days ago i had two windsor-cokes and a glass of wine and threw up twice.

apparently i am no longer allowed to drink wine. and now i am strongly believing that i have to stop drinking now.

ready... go.

i have one line from a bob dylan song running through my head.

yeah for just one moment if you could stand inside my shoes, you'd know what a drag it is to see you.

i am sad.


  1. If you put your cigs in your alcohol, you probably won't want either one... I like your penis painting. Especially the hairly legs, part. Very realistic. I am happy to hear that you like your job. I am interviewing for a teaching job, tomorrow and I have to play a snare drum piece. haha! Me? Practice? Sorry about your Twins game experience. That IS sad.

  2. yeah. that's right. I misspelled 'hairy'. and now i miss-spelled "misspelled".

  3. i thought you were just being cute. i was thinking "hairly... i should start using that one..."
