Thursday, November 15, 2007

last night's early bedtime and late cuddling was the perfect ending to a miserable day of faux-giving recovery. even though i had to wake up hella early.

((here's your photo, bitch))



i'm toying with the idea of becoming a sex mediator. one who mediates a couple as they discuss their sexual frustrations.

is that a real job? no joke.

cx comes to texas tomorrow and we go to san antonio for the weekend! holy excited batman!

mengtar was perxactly schwasted.

i was about to make a funny joke but my attic critter is squeaking and is plural.

also, mengtar + antibiotics = pooplor.


  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    thank you... :-P

  2. That is a real job! The guy who taught my human sexuality class I took with Jon did it. He told us a lot of stories

  3. well then... done and done! consider me officially career driven!
