Saturday, November 17, 2007

ayyyy bleeorgh...

that's how i feel about tonight. my wedding outfit was awesome and i decided as i was getting dressed ((in a ridiculous unshowered hurry)) that it could also double as possibly THE cutest ice skating outfit ever. substitute shoes for wool socks and skates and add my scarf of cuteness.

san antonio smells like frijoles.

also, they don't pick up their roadkill. i think it's a religion thing.

catholic weddings = long as balls. it didn't help that they had to read everything in english AND spanish. but they had cool outfits. i almost thought the pope was wedding them... sans pope-hat of course.

also, regular catholics do the fronthead, chest, shoulder, shoulder thing. mexican catholics are different they wipe their fronthead with their thumb, then their chin twice then their chest twice. talk about awkward.

i don't care how crabby i am or ridiculous i am being. if we're fighting, just give me the last word. trust me, it's for the greater good.


  1. Anonymous5:00 AM

    NEVER! (in response to giving you the last word in a fight)

  2. I give the last word to no one... Last words are mine. Don't like it, then suck deez nutz! What?

  3. i will suck dooz nutz whenever i want for no reason! i refuse to suck dooz nutz for reason other than none. done and done.
