Sunday, November 04, 2007

when i'm in the shower, i think about what to write on my blog.

also, i fucked up and faux-giving is totally NEXT tuesday. balls. but i still have the next three days off because i am a fuck up. so... let's hang out. we can paint or play sidewalk chalk or you can watch me play katamari or we can masturbate together because that's pretty much all i do now. i painted two beauties that i will hide from everyone until the trio is completed. then it will be exposed and sold on ebay so bballa can make the rent. i also have some clothes you can iron.

also, i'm like a hairless cat... almost.

tomorrow i will buy some crickets so my frogs don't die eventually. if you decide to hang out with me this week, bring a saw. i have a great game called cut my dirt. join me.

my sunglasses that i was upset about losing because i had no pictures in them were found in the passenger car door slot thing. that is not where sunglasses go. i will wait for a good hair day and a quality party scene to happen at the same time so i can photograph them.


  1. Anonymous9:07 PM

    grrr next tueday i made plans to be there this week. its cool, il rearange them now
    the cereal killer

  2. Horrah for Ebay paintings galore! And damn you Carl...
