Saturday, September 15, 2007

i wouldn't give up the friends i have now for anything. and not the sort of friends that think i'm still their friend but since certain things have come into play this past month have refused to see or speak to me also. but i just really miss the ol homies. minnesota and drum corps peeps alike.

cx said:

Hi Megan. I know I don't say hi often, but I just wanted to remind you that you totally kick ass, I miss you, and I can't wait to see you again hopefully sooner rather than later.

((i can handle that))

1 comment:

  1. being away from your longest friends, sucks. you forget how long it takes to really get close to people. just in the last year I have had such a turn-over in friends, here, and often feel like there is no one I can REALLY depend on. it sometimes makes me want to move back home, except I would hate it. I have faith that I will build real connections here. let's talk soon!

    p.s. do you know about all the B.S. bullshit in staff changes?
