Friday, October 19, 2007

wow... happy bipolar mengtar day...

so last night i was in a super-funk. i had decided that i hated texas again for the 31st reason. ((that post was deleted. your welcome)) and i drank a lot and then drank some more and then cut off my hair. mengtar's head looks like a boy and she is okay with that.

then this afternoon i decided that i hated all of my friends and that i was going to reboot for a week and have no contact with anyone and live in my room and at work and never answer my phone. but this still might be a good idea because then i will save money and be productive. things i have to get done: call my aunt, clean my room, finish my laundry, vacuum, learn how to install a hard drive, attempt and fail at hard drive installation, reassemble my computer, call brad to install my hard drive and pretend like i never even tried to install my hard drive... and buy some crickets.

then this evening my mom called and said she's coming to visit me at the beginning of november! super excited! but now i have to plan things to do while she's here... so i think everyone's band should play a gig every night. also, my mom is cool.

more things about how cool i am soon to come...

also, we are going to have a faux-thanksgiving while she's here because i'm not going home for thanksgiving. so everyone is invited over for faux thanksgiving and we will eat my mom's awesome food and drink wine and be silly.

i have to get ready for some pizza maybe and a vampire movie.

ready. go.


  1. Anonymous10:38 PM

    what day are you planning fauxgiving? I will bring cookies if you buy me a plain ticket

  2. well, considering that the point of fauxgiving is because i will probably be here alone for REAL thanksgiving because i can't afford a plane ticket... uh... no thanks. but you can send me some cookies anyway!

  3. Anonymous2:52 PM

    could I hide in your mom's luggage?
