Thursday, July 05, 2007

happy 4th i guess.

watched the saddest fireworks display ever. everything is bigger in texas, except on national holidays...

came home. dan called.

dan says:

hey, i just got out of the hospital...

mengtar says:


dan says:

no, my brother is having a baby.

mengtar says:

uh.... what?

dan says:

his wife.

mengtar says:


we chilled at jupiter. some ridiculous hipster punks sat at the table next to us but were to arrogant to talk to us until a crazy possibly slightly mentally challenged guy came over talking about how he wants to start a punk/metal band. they were giving him a ridiculous hard time. but then he kept talking. here are some dumb things:

kind of like green day. i mean, they made punk mainstream...

i kind of want to go to LA. it's so big. have you ever seen it on a map? it's so big! do you have a map?

people in compton are mean. i read the Times. 14 year olds get shot there every day. if i went to compton and people were mean, i would just leave.

that was almost my only entertainment of the night.

but then chong showed up. he disappeared in January after he went crazy in someone's closet or something. but he kept trying to drink with me at hooligans. eventually i stopped by. i had an itch on my foot so i scratched it with the sandal on my other foot. apparantly that foot was rubbing on his foot so he tried playing footsie for a good half hour as he was making me drink beer. that escalated to him rubbing my leg and me pushing him away and then insisting that i receive a back massage. eventually adam walked in the door and i gave him a look. he put his ear to my mouth and i said "please save me" to which he replied "do you like shots do you want to do a shot let's do a shot"

it was cool because it was one sentence just like that.

AND i got a free shot out of it! haha. but then he mildly hit on me but it could have been part of the act which i was more than okay with, because he was FAR better than chong.

then he escorted me out the door and gave me a well-deserved kiss on the cheek. it was a good time...

not really. i miss john.

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