Monday, June 25, 2007

so facebook has this application that i am absolutely in love with.

it's called the honesty box. people anonymously post shit in your box. it's kind of cool.

if you're not a facebooker, feel free to anonymously say what you think about me. or if you have facebook... do it still. you're thinking it anyway.

work is lame. someone ran into me from behind and got a nickel-sized spot of marinara sauce on the back of my shirt. the manager that hates me made me go home to change. i took my sweet time and bought some cigarettes and ate some lasagna while i was out.

a girl at work wants to move into the house until december. but kyle is apparently holding out for this kid from phantom that is a less-than-maybe. lame, because it would be really cool if she moved in.

his phone doesn't work anymore, and he's all i think about.

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