so we ventured into the windy city today. don't forget where we parked... 2dmusicnotes. music notes are two-dimensional. got it? moving on...
at 40 degrees ((and windy)) i spent some time hiding near escalators and bus stops... and look! the art institute of chicago! this begins our ferris bueller tour.
this is the end of our ferris bueller tour.
lx! look! here it comes!! get the picture! quick! you're going to miss it! you're missing it!
also, chicago is a candidate city for the 2016 olympics! go chi!
dear chisox,
i hope you don't benefit from the olympics.
love, mengtar.
sisterx and lx...
lx and i spun around the revolving door about eight times before i noticed there was a coffeehouse lady laughing at me. she had been standing in front of me in line, and i believed her to be a regular by the way the barista talked to her. that's quite a feat in a coffeeshop this cute in a city like chicago.
welcome to the freedom museum.
"a government blessed with an uninformed citizenry has very little need for talent."
we watched a video on the possible rights-invasion with the purchase of private property for public use. lx and i sat in front. sisterx and momx sat in the back. some people appreciate being closer to their freedoms mroe than others. carpe diem, mother fuckers!
and typed letters to barack obama. i wrote my own personal bill of rights that i may have forgotten in the typewriter room... i also wrote obama a rap song and a metal song and recorded music videos for both... a capella... i'm glad there's no evidence... unless you visit the freedom museum.
my christmas list officially consists of a diamond sailboat from tiffany & co.
or a diamond pirate ship from tiffany & co.
tyra taught me how to take pictures in bright lights on americas next top model... step one: close your eyes, relax your face, and wait...
step two: on three, open your eyes and EMOTE! model-face gold!
lx helped me practice my jumps... and the skyway and i have something in common... ((high!!!))
balls!! i can't get over how amazing this hotdog was! first chilidog ever, and i will never judge again! as long as there are cheese and onions! that's it, chicago hotdogs for life!!!
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