Tuesday, September 30, 2008

nursing my alcoholism... er... baseball anxiety with a betwixt class beer... or two...


6.30p can't come soon enough.

i'm fuming with pride in how my incredible structural functionalist paper turned out. and i printed it at kinko's on super-quality paper. ego-feeder5000.

also, i washed my car.

also, it's fucking beautiful outside, and my allergies are fucking my world. balls to that, sir.

also, somewhere on campus ((outside the library, i believe)) kindablack-kx is having a poetry slam... battle... thing... join mAx and homeboy and i and maybe piercer too... no... i'll not invite him... i'm playing THAT card...

because i totally thought kindablack-kx told me that it was 11am... turns out it's pm... or so mAx and i believe... i don't really know...

did i mention i'm retarded?

also, i feel like, and am pretty sure i've lost about all of my muscle mass and gained a million fatty-pounds and am half-dreading starting soccer next friday, but am five-fold excited about it... so that still puts me 4.5 up...

also, thank you for joining me at hooligan's, my daytime drinking bar... and sometimes at night too.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:01 PM

    .... oh yeah, Kinko's... that shall not remain singular
