Thursday, July 31, 2008

defying physics, i find myself much less attractive the more i drink.

but tonight was of great irony.

i went to rubber gloves for art fusion night with a dude i met at andys last night. turns out he's waay more interesting after... wait... no... he's just uninteresting.

tonight's art medium was nude body painting. and who would be modeling but my bff!!!

she approached me while i was talking about something of minimal interest with lamedudefromandys and told me that she was one of the models for art fusion night and immediately added that she thought she was preggers5000. don't caere.

rx and tx are regulars at rubber gloves, and tx is one of the regular artists.

tx mostly painted anatomical inside-out-man-stylee. prior to hearing the preggers story, she drew a fetus on ariel's stomach. AWKWARD! i jetted shortly after. i'm sure she totally thinks i squealed, but that's someting only blog-gossip and homeboy-telling worthy.


jx showed up with my favorite italian and we will see batman via imax tomorrow because i was officially fucked out of 311 and snoop.

ya'll can fuck yourselves.

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