Sunday, July 06, 2008

and now for epic saga moments of awesome on a sunday afternoon with mengtar!

i pulled up to racetrac to buy my first tank of gas for the prettymobile/hatredcopter. i picked the pump with the highest cute-boy concentration. the area of pump 11 was very concentrated today.

i was listening to my coolkid music and turned off my car. i stepped out of the car with my celebrity shades and turned some heads no doubt...

i could hear everyone's thoughts... "damn... that girl is soo cool. and her car is sooo cool. and her sunglasses are sooo cool. and her hair is sooo cool. i should buy her shots of whiskey and shiner bocks if i see her at a bar, but keep conversation to an absolute minimum and leave shortly after because she is waaay too sooo coool!!!!"

it was about then that i realized that my gas tank is on the PASSENGER side of the car... but don't think i didn't blast my coolkid music from pump 11 to pump 6...

the high concentration of cuteboys pretended not to laugh.

all kinds of slick.

i also went to target to buy an iron.

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