Thursday, July 16, 2009

dear mengtar,
we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for the 2009 fall semester at the university of north texas.
love, mr. eagle.

about damn time.

a week of boys, bugs, and mostly chaos.

the wasp nests are gone, but have been replaced by fear factor cockroaches. my count is six, four being spotted in daylight. ew ew ew ew ew

i cope by trapping them under cups and calling for backup.

tanner escorted me to the bathroom after a spider the size of a watermelon ninja-ed about k-hox's balcony.

i have cyborg spiders holding me hostage in the back and buzzing kamikaze cicadas entrapping me in the front

meanwhile, i lost the charger to my camera battery ((again)), and the G1 can only half-capture the fear.

to escape the bountiful supply of household critters, your hero/refugee took ari to the dog park to relax into a book... where a squirrel taunted her with nut-shells. he hung acrobatically staring me down and dropping nuts on my face... my phone doesn't have a zoom... but he's there... on that one branch...

my drum corps and my baseball team are both in town this weekend and i can't afford to see either of them. if blue stars don't house in denton on monday, i'm busting up a starbucks.

monday is also the day i get INTERNET in the new house... the critter house... which means i can live-blog all of my excursions and you won't miss any tears or details or demeaning comments from my roommate about how i can't expect him to solve all of my insect problems because he needs to sleep because he has to be up early to go to his big-kid job even though i bleached his nasty refrigerator and cleaned the blood in the hallway and got rid of the ant colony in the kitchen and OH YEAH I'M NOT THE ONE THAT PISSED IN THE BROKEN TOILET!


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