final score:
mengtar 26
aax 20
mengtar said:
well then i will call you when i get home. it'll be great. neighther of us will remember. i don't know why i spelled it like that. we"ll call it horseplay on words... puntastic.
aax said:
good thing we're in a stable relationship, otherwise these puns you've saddled me with might be a hurdle.
mengtar said:
wow. outpunned. outpunned by the government. don't bridle me with all this responsibility.
aax said:
i guess i just needed some sleep deprivation to stirup some creativity. that's my mane theory. i'll hoof it over there for my prize.

mengtar said:
hurry up and you might catch the tail end of it. you oat it to me anyway... hay! where'd you go?
aax said:
stop foaling around. i'm trying to work. do i seem like more of a stud when i make puns with you?
mengtar said:
i just really want you to be here with me. pony up the dough and visit me!
aax said:
i didn't know if you were out or if you were stallion.
mengtar said:
i'm still out on the town, just gallopvanting around. can i ask you an equestrian?
aax said:
crappaloosa. i was saving "pony up".
mengtar said:
jockeys or boxers? sorry, i can't continue with this conversation. i mustang with my friends. please don't blow up like an arabian.
aax said:
okay, these are getting a little hairy.

mengtar said:
it's so loud in here that my voice is getting horse from all this texting. that's a stretch.
aax said:
canter we do better?
mengtar said:
that was pretty bad. i might have to put you down for that one...
aax said:
sorry, i'm trailing off.
mengtar said:
i hope you don't give me the colt shoulder later. hold on, we're stopping for food. i need some seabiscuits.
aax said:
bring me some chipotle with pinto beans and all is forgiven.
mengtar said:
they're called shetlands, that's horseshoe!
aax said:
seabiscuits are a quarterhorse apiece.
mengtar said:
i tried calling you at work, but your secretariate wouldn't answer. derby an asshole! that pun sucked, but i'll love you furlong time. i'll love you furlong time, but i'm worried about your track record. i have enough horsepower to go all night!
aax said:
fuck you. i was just using furlong.
mengtar said:
that last one was pretty good, i need to chomp on this a bit.
aax said:
let's do it. i'm hot to trot. (that one was a little lame)
mengtar said:
there were soo many crazywhores out tonight...
aax said:
that's a native american pun!
mengtar said:
there's not enough glue to hold that pun together.
aax said:
i was going to pick up milk on my way home, but they didn't have any that was pastureized. seriously though, your puns are getting out there. reign it in a little.
mengtar said:
if you can't come down here soon, can i caballo a ticket?
aax said:
i don't know what that one means. are you just feeding me bull crop?
mengtar said:
check your translator.

aax said:
okay, that's not farrier.